
september release “Drain pipes 1”

"Drain pipes 1" is online on Water in pipes sounds are very useful for illustrating places like sewers, underground cavities or shower room. This collection proposes you water flows in diverse cavities. From large drain pipes to drips in a bathroom. Enjoy Steve DUNCAN's photos in the preview. His work is astonishing, if you want to discover places where you've never been. Have a look at .26 ambisonics sounds, to make the audience feel that they are really in.

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Promenons nous dans les bois/Let’s stroll in the woods

Promenons nous dans les bois/Let’s stroll in the woods

Ma nouvelle roulante en action! Une après midi en forêt sans avoir avec le dos brisé, j'ai trouvé ma solution. Un peu de sport, de jolies images avec le drone et le tout en étant 100% eco-citoyen. C'etait une belle journée.   My new setup in action! An afternoon crossing the forest without wrecking my back, i get my solution. Some sport, some nice shots with the drone and a green attitude. It was a nice day.

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New collection “Water stream 1” is online

New collection “Water stream 1” is online

Feel surrounded by water stream, river, and waterfall sounds from close to distant perspectives. This is the purpose of this collection.You will find here a wide range of sounds to cover many kind of water flows. 20 ambisonics sounds, to make the audience feel that they are really in. See preview

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Un grand chantier à Paris/ A hudge building site in Paris

Encore un super endroit de prise de son dans Paris. Un chantier géant aux portes de la capital, c'est l'occasion d'aller faire le plein de nouveaux sons. La serie sur le thème des Chantiers en contiendra le meilleur. Another great sound spot in Paris. A huge building site at the border of the city, it's time to make a refill of new sounds. The building sites theme serie will include a best of.

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Pour un début/ As a start

Pour un début/ As a start

Pour son lancement Spheric-collection vous propose 20 collections thématiques qui contiennent plus de 500 sons. C'est 28 Go de sons exclusivement enregistrés en Ambisonic au Format-B. Prenez de la Hauteur, adoptez Spheric-collection.   As a start Spheric-collection presents 20 collections that include more than 500 sounds. It represents 28 Go, of first order Ambisonic Format-B, recordings. Take some height with Spheric-collection.

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